1Can I Tell You2Bringing It Back3Lonely Wind4Belexes5Journey from Mariabronn6The Pilgrimage7Apercu8Death of Mother Nature Suite9Bringing It Back
1Down the Road2Song for America3Lamplight Symphony4Lonely Street5The Devil Game6Incomudro-Hymn to the Atman7Song for America8Down the Road
1Point of Know Return2Paradox3The Spider4Portrait (He Knew)5Closet Chronicles6Lightning's Hand7Dust in the Wind8Sparks of the Tempest9Nobody's Home10Hopelessly Human11Sparks of the Tempest12Portrait (He Knew)
1Carry on Wayward Son2The Wall3What's on My Mind4Miracles out of Nowhere5Opus Insert6Questions of My Childhood7Cheyenne Anthem8Magnum Opus: Father Padilla Meets the Perfect Gnat / Howling at the Moon / Man Overboard / Industry on Parade / Release the Beavers / Gnat Attack9Carry on Wayward Son10Cheyenne Anthem
1It Takes a Woman's Love (To Make a Man)2Two Cents Worth3Icarus (Born on Wings of Steel)4All the World5Child of Innocence6It's You7Mysteries and Mayhem8The Pinnacle9Child of Innocence10It's You