In the heart of São Paulo, the year was 1977, an enchanting musical event unfolded - the Genesis Brazil Broadcast. Captivating the audience with their melodic prowess and artistic finesse, Genesis graced the stage with an electrifying performance, now captured and preserved in the form of a mesmerizing 2 CD Set. Disc 1 opens a gateway to a sonic journey, starting with the mesmerizing "Squonk" leading into the intricate melodies of "One for the Vine." Transitioning seamlessly, the setlist delves into the narrative realms of "Robbery, Assault & Battery" and the ethereal tones of "Inside and Out." The listener is then treated to the progressive opus of "Firth of Fifth," followed by the haunting allure of "Carpet Crawlers." The instrumental prowess shines in "In That Quiet Earth," paving the way for the emotive ballad "Afterglow." The whimsical "I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)" and the majestic "Eleventh Earl of Mar" round up this symphonic journey of Disc 1. As the music continues into Disc 2, a new chapter unfolds with an intriguing "Intro," setting the stage for the epic "Supper's Ready" - a magnum opus that transcends time and space. The dynamic energy of "Dance On a Volcano" ignites the atmosphere, leading into a captivating "Drum Duet" that mesmerizes the audience. The grand finale unfolds with "Los Endos," a crescendo of musical brilliance culminating in the enchanting tale of "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway." Concluding this unforgettable musical odyssey, the delicate melodies of "The Music Box" gently fade into the echoes of a mesmerized audience. The Genesis Brazil Broadcast 1977 encapsulates a momentous fusion of musical virtuosity and emotional depth, inviting listeners to embark on a transcendental voyage through the ethereal realms of progressive rock.
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In the heart of São Paulo, the year was 1977, an enchanting musical event unfolded - the Genesis Brazil Broadcast. Captivating the audience with their melodic prowess and artistic finesse, Genesis graced the stage with an electrifying performance, now captured and preserved in the form of a mesmerizing 2 CD Set. Disc 1 opens a gateway to a sonic journey, starting with the mesmerizing "Squonk" leading into the intricate melodies of "One for the Vine." Transitioning seamlessly, the setlist delves into the narrative realms of "Robbery, Assault & Battery" and the ethereal tones of "Inside and Out." The listener is then treated to the progressive opus of "Firth of Fifth," followed by the haunting allure of "Carpet Crawlers." The instrumental prowess shines in "In That Quiet Earth," paving the way for the emotive ballad "Afterglow." The whimsical "I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)" and the majestic "Eleventh Earl of Mar" round up this symphonic journey of Disc 1. As the music continues into Disc 2, a new chapter unfolds with an intriguing "Intro," setting the stage for the epic "Supper's Ready" - a magnum opus that transcends time and space. The dynamic energy of "Dance On a Volcano" ignites the atmosphere, leading into a captivating "Drum Duet" that mesmerizes the audience. The grand finale unfolds with "Los Endos," a crescendo of musical brilliance culminating in the enchanting tale of "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway." Concluding this unforgettable musical odyssey, the delicate melodies of "The Music Box" gently fade into the echoes of a mesmerized audience. The Genesis Brazil Broadcast 1977 encapsulates a momentous fusion of musical virtuosity and emotional depth, inviting listeners to embark on a transcendental voyage through the ethereal realms of progressive rock.